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Five Ways to Tell If Your Drain Has Collapsed
If your drain has collapsed there are a few tell-tale signs that can give you a warning so that you don’t end up like me: coming hope to a ruined and expensive-to-fix garden! By watching out for the following signs, you can sort a problem before it truly begins.
1 – Underperforming Drainage
The first sign that there could be a problem with your drainage system is an underperforming drain. If you find that your sink or bath is taking longer to empty after filling with water, then it may be the case that there may be a problem with one of the pipes.
It could be that there has simply been blocked somewhere and you should attempt to unclog it yourself using various techniques which I have outlined HERE. However, if this does not fix the problem, and if the problem is widespread, it is time to call in the professionals. They can survey your drains and find the problem before there is significant damage!
2 – Damp
There can be multiple reasons for damp appearing around your home, but one of which could be a cracked, blocked or even collapsed pipe. If you see damp appear in your home, it is best to call professionals in as soon as possible to get the problem diagnosed before the problem goes beyond some aesthetic repairs.
3 – Foul Smells
One of the earliest warnings to be on the lookout for is a foul odour coming from your drains. It might be the case that you smell it from around the drain cover, or even coming from the plug holes inside your property.
This smell is caused by backups of sewage which can be caused by blockages. However, it could also be caused by a collapsed drain. This is a worry especially if you have had your drains cleaned yet the smell is still there.
4 – Cracks
If your drainage pipes have collapsed under structural points of your home, you may start to notice cracks. This usually will only occur if the pipe has been left broken for a long time. Nonetheless, it is something to look out for.
You may also notice cracks in concrete slabs and such if pipes run below them outside.
5 – Sunken Ground
A collapsed drain can cause the surrounding ground to slowly sink over time. If you see part of your garden has subsided over time, it is very likely there is a pipe underneath which has collapsed. The water which escapes from the pipe will eventually cause the ground to collapse. You should get things inspected as quickly as possible!
And there we have it, five of the easiest ways to tell if your drainage system is suffering from a collapsed pipe. This is a job for professionals and requires the right equipment, and unfortunately will cost you a bit of money to both diagnose and fix the problem!
If it does turn out that your sink is only clogged and nothing more serious has taken place, check out my blog on different methods to unclog your sink!

Welcome to The Plumbing Network

Welcome to The Plumbing Network, a blog about how you can keep your drainage systems in proper working order. This might seem incredibly niche as a topic for a blog, but as someone who has suffered severe damage to my home twice in the last five years, the information that will be discussed in this blog is of the utmost importance!

My Story

Around five years ago the water in my sinks and bath started to drain away more slowly. I didn’t understand what the problem was and tried unclogging the drain through various methods, but the situation didn’t improve. One day, after coming home from a weekend away, my garden was entirely sodden and flooded leading to expensive landscaping and weeks of work.

Around a year ago, after moving house damp began to appear on the ground and walls. I knew there was a leak in the roof and thought it might be related to that, however the damp continued to spread even when it was dry outside. As it turns out, part of my drain had actually collapsed, and the water had been routed to inside my home instead!

From this moment I vowed to maintain my drains (or indeed, have them maintained by professionals), from that point onwards. I’m here to give this information to you, too, so you can avoid what I went through!

Avoid Expensive Professionals

There are some drainage problems which don’t require a professional. For example, a blocked sink often won’t require a full team of experts and all their complicated equipment. It will usually just take some effort, a little time, and the right technique from you!

By fixing your own drains when the problem is simple you can avoid costly callout fees and have everything running in perfect order quicker than they would arrive in the first place.

Recognise Critical Issues

Sometimes, especially when it comes to things as critical as a drainage system, there are jobs which should be left to the professionals. There are a few signs that your drainage might be in a state of disrepair that is beyond your capabilities. Recognising this early and calling in professionals to fix the problem can save you a lot of money and a huge headache in the future.

This blog will cover a few of the problems that will require expert support and can give you some information on what they might do to fix it.

The second time I had a drainage issue, I had a wonderful experience with Gordon Evans Drainage. They kept me in the loop of what was happening throughout the entire process and had the technology to get the job done quickly!

Good Luck!

Drains are something that we take for granted – until they go wrong! I wish you all the best in looking after your drains and hope that you don’t experience the flooding I went through!

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